Saturday, 27 February 2010

Question 7

7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt from it in the progression of it to your full product?

When producing my school magazine I didn’t have to worry about the audience that was going to read the magazine so I could write and put whatever pictures into the magazine that I liked, but when making a music magazine I had to understand the importance of the audience as I chose what audience I wanted to read my magazine along with the genre of it. I had to do research to see what things attracted my audience to a pop music magazine and what would make them want to buy my magazine. When choosing my genre I had codes and conventions to follow and instead of going by what I thought would look good in a magazine I had to go by what professional magazines contained to make mine look just as good. The photography had to be more creative in my music magazine as the photographs had to work with the genre of the magazine although the rules didn’t restrict the creativity of them. I had to make it so it could compete with professional magazines, so following all of the codes and conventions it has got all of the things in it that a professional magazine would. I think that my research skills have developed as for the preliminary task I didn’t have to use my research skills as I made it on what I thought a school magazine would look like, but with the music magazine I had to create a questionnaire as well as looking at other pop music magazines as I had to decide what to put in my magazine to attract the right audience. When planning both the school and music magazine I designed a plan of what I thought would look good in both, but when creating my main task it changed a lot as I had to change what I thought looked good to what actually worked well. My creative skills had to develop for the main task, as the music magazines needed articles and headlines that would attract an audience and would make sense to them such as being informal and simple sentences. Looking back at the contents pages, I can now see that the music magazine contents is more organised as the school magazine contents looks messy and all over the place. When writing the article, I chose a band that is popular with teenage girls who like pop music so I had to address that particular audience.

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