Saturday, 27 February 2010

Evaluation Question 1

1. In what ways does your media product use develop or challenge, forms and conventions of real media products?

Front Cover

  • Largest font on the front cover so attract the audience's attention
  • Masthead: Title, Positioning Statement, Date and Price
  • Title is full width of page and only one word. I decided to make the title blue,as on the questionnaire more people chose their favourite colour as blue.

  • Main coverline which is 2 lines long
  • Anchors the meaning of the main image so attracts the audience into wanting to kno who it is by using words such as "hottest" and "new"

  • Something free on the front cover, attracts the audience as they want to know how to get it

  • Main image, smiling so doesnt show attitude which will attract pop music fans
  • The main image is giving direct address to the audience.

Contents Page

  • The word contents full width of the page
  • The name of the magazine above it
  • Same colour writing as the title of the magazine

  • Page numbers on the pictures to anchor the written contents
  • I have used the colour pink for the numbers on the pictures which is the same colour as the numbers in the written contents.

  • Headings to divide up the contents page
  • Different font and colour to stand out
  • The "regulars" are so that the audiene know what will appear in the magazine every month

  • Consistent font and colour
  • The number of the page, one or two words to introduce the story and then sublines underneath
  • Keeping to the same colour font I have used purple which is the same colour as the coverlines on the front cover just a different shade.

  • Pictures to anchor the written text
  • I decided to use smaller pictures instead of one large image, as looking through other pop music magazines I have seen that they only use smaller image.

Double Page Spread

  • Headine bleeds across two pages
  • Red writing so that it stand out against the background
  • "Every time you smile, you laugh, you glow" is lyrics from one of the Jonas Brothers songs as fans of the band will already know what the article is about if they read the headline first.

  • Standfirst: Below the headline and above the article
  • Tells you the Journalist and about the article
  • Larger text than the rest of the article so that it stand out and people read that first

  • Drop Capital at the start of the article
  • Six lines down to make it stand out

  • Main image on the DPS, in order for it not to pixelate it had to cover a page and a quarter
  • When looking at the main image, the audience should know what the article is about.

  • I have added sixe more pictures to the third page to complete the article
  • All pictures are the same size

  • The page numers and name of the magazine after it
  • Same colour text as the DPS headline

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